6.8 CVE-2024-47579


An attacker authenticated as an administrator can use an exposed webservice to upload or download a custom PDF font file on the system server. Using the upload functionality to copy an internal file into a font file and subsequently using the download functionality to retrieve that file allows the attacker to read any file on the server with no effect on integrity or availability


CWE-538 : Insertion of Sensitive Information into Externally-Accessible File or Directory
The product places sensitive information into files or directories that are accessible to actors who are allowed to have access to the files, but not to the sensitive information. Automated static analysis, commonly referred to as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), can find some instances of this weakness by analyzing source code (or binary/compiled code) without having to execute it. Typically, this is done by building a model of data flow and control flow, then searching for potentially-vulnerable patterns that connect "sources" (origins of input) with "sinks" (destinations where the data interacts with external components, a lower layer such as the OS, etc.) Do not expose file and directory information to the user. SSH password for private key stored in build log




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Common Attack Pattern Enumerations and Classifications

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95 WSDL Scanning